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Sales Development Representative Salaries in Singapore

The median base salary for Sales Development Representatives in Singapore is SGD 65,412 and an OTE of SGD 91,424. Data updated on 04/27/2024

Median Base Salary
SGD 65,412
Median On-Target Earnings
SGD 91,424
Top Performer Earning Potential
SGD 137,612
Current % that Attain Quota
Distribution of Earnings
See how many Sales Development Representatives are within each earnings range for base salary and for on-target earnings
Base Salary
On-Target Earnings
Percent that Attain Quota
See the % of Sales Development Representatives to hit quota in the last 12 months.
Highest Paying Companies for Sales Development Representatives in Singapore
See which companies pay their Sales Development Representatives the most in 2024. This list is sorted by highest OTE (on-target earnings). Data updated 04/27/2024
Base Salary
Median OTE
Top Performer
SGD 79,770
SGD 132,950
SGD 187,735
SGD 80,170
SGD 110,560
SGD 122,288
SGD 69,727
SGD 102,084
SGD 138,196
SGD 65,763
SGD 101,174
SGD 201,362
SGD 65,139
SGD 100,000
SGD 173,679
SGD 74,856
SGD 99,809
SGD 124,690
SGD 69,443
SGD 99,279
SGD 129,771
SGD 55,733
SGD 96,266
SGD 110,659
SGD 66,355
SGD 91,424
SGD 145,861
SGD 65,792
SGD 91,097
SGD 214,356
SGD 60,704
SGD 91,057
SGD 109,045
SGD 61,877
SGD 87,660
SGD 99,125
SGD 60,260
SGD 87,656
SGD 103,800
SGD 55,472
SGD 85,420
SGD 103,773
SGD 59,766
SGD 82,677
SGD 93,277
SGD 56,239
SGD 81,803
SGD 121,389
SGD 50,317
SGD 80,508
SGD 93,755
SGD 54,274
SGD 74,621
SGD 157,330
SGD 50,106
SGD 71,869
SGD 144,687
SGD 50,586
SGD 70,821
SGD 115,559
SGD 51,127
SGD 61,352
SGD 74,342
SGD 50,742
SGD 60,890
SGD 74,569
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