
Best Sales Organization Awards

Our “Reppy” awards are given out biannually to sales organizations that are top performers in key categories.

Top Rated
Top Rated

Reppy winners

Spring 2024

Reppy winners

Spring 2024


Spotlighting the Top Sales Organizations on RepVue

A core part of our mission is to shine the spotlight on sales organizations that are exceptional! Through the Reppys, we seek to create a community where companies can showcase their strengths and improvements for the benefit of job seekers.

Top Sales
Top 20

How to Win a Reppy

Obtain the minimum employee ratings

A company is eligible if it meets the minimum ratings requirement (varies by category)

Achieve a high ranking!

Companies that are ranked in the top 20 for one of our categories or top 5 in a metro area are eligible to receive Reppys. See rankings

Using Your Reppy

Showcase Your Reppy, Attract Sales Talent

Leverage your Reppy badge to build trust and establish your reputation as a top sales org! Incorporating your RepVue badge into your online presence will attract top sales talent and build your org’s brand.

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Contact Us!

Did your company win a Reppy that you want to use? Want to post and manage jobs on your company profile? Any other questions? Let’s get in touch!
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