We help people find their dream sales job & fulfill their potential
With more verified sales organization ratings than any other platform, our users can access an insider's view of sales organizations and gain insights and data from those who know them best—the team members who work there.
Explore HowWhy is it easier to get unbiased information about a restaurant or a toaster purchase online than a sales org that's had thousands working there over the years?
Founded by Ryan Walsh, the RepVue platform launched out of beta in early 2020 to collect and aggregate unbiased, objective data from sales professionals based on their experiences selling at the world's most well known sales organizations. RepVue has converted this data into highly consumable, visually appealing profiles of what it's really like to work in these orgs. Join anonymously for free by adding a rating of a B2B sales org where you've sold. It only takes 2 minutes.

RepVue is delivering transparency into organizations at scale.
Today's sales professionals demand and receive complete transparency in every aspect of their lives. Except when researching sales orgs where they'll work for the next few years. That transparency isn't available. Until now.