Q3 2023 Report

Cloud Sales Index

q3 2023

There has been a massive shift in technology organizations over the past two years as organizations have shifted from a 'grow at all costs' mentality to a more measured approach which targets efficiency and cost effective growth.

This shift has had a significant impact on B2B sellers, go-to-market (GTM) leaders, and revenue organizations. The RepVue Cloud Sales Index (207 companies with ~25,000 full sales professional ratings each month), enables us to provide a clear breakdown of where sales professionals are succeeding, which organizations are outperforming their peers, and other deep insights into the B2B sales landscape.

01Hitting Quota in Tech Has Become Increasingly Challenging
02No Sub Industries Have Been Fully Resilient
03Higher Ticket Sellers Impact Muted
04Tracking Sales Cycle Length Moving Forward
05Deal Sizes By Segment - Minimal Impact
06Included Companies