
First 90 Days in a New Sales Role: How to Get off to a Good Start

RepVue Team
RepVue TeamMar 21, 2024

Starting a new sales role can be both exciting and daunting. The first 90 days in any new sales role are critical, as this is the time to learn the ropes, build relationships with your team, establish credibility with your customers, and get some initial wins under your belt.

During your first 90 days, you will be learning a lot about your new role, the company, and your clients. It’s important to take the time to understand the company’s culture, values, and mission. This will help you align your goals with those of the company and ensure that you are working towards the same objectives.

You will also be getting to know your customers and learning how to communicate with them effectively. Building strong relationships with customers is key to becoming a successful salesperson.

Are you being paid well enough in your new role? Compare sales salaries here.

To make the most of your first 90 days, you’ll need to have a plan in place. This plan should include specific goals and objectives that you want to achieve during this time. Focus areas might be  building your pipeline, establishing relationships with key decision-makers, or learning more about the product or service you are selling.

Having a plan will help you stay focused and motivated, and ensure that you are making progress towards your goals. Most importantly, you need to make sure that your plan aligns with what your manager considers to be success.

Understanding the Company

Gaining a deep understanding of the company you are working for and the product(s) you’ll be selling should be your first priority in a new sales role. This understanding will help you to align your goals with the company’s objectives and to identify areas where you can contribute to its growth. Here are some key areas to focus on:

Company Values and Vision

Understanding the company’s values and vision is crucial to your success in the sales role. It will help you to understand the company’s mission, goals, and culture. 

Hopefully these things came up in the interview process so you’ll already be familiar with them. This knowledge will enable you to communicate effectively with your prospects and customers and to build long-lasting relationships. Take the time to study the company’s website, mission statement, and core values — and to discuss what you read with your manager and other team members.

Related Article – How Important is Culture in a Sales Organization?

Product Knowledge

Obviously, you’ll need to have a deep understanding of the products or services you are selling. This knowledge will help you to identify the key features and benefits of the products and to communicate them effectively to your prospects and customers. Study the product manuals, attend training sessions, and shadow experienced salespeople to gain a deep understanding of the products.

Sales Process and Cycle

Understanding the company’s sales process and cycle is another critical area to focus on. This knowledge will help you to identify the key stages of the sales process and to understand the customer’s journey. It will enable you to create a sales plan that aligns with the company’s objectives and to identify areas where you can improve the sales process. Study the company’s sales process, talk to experienced salespeople, and attend training sessions to gain a deep understanding of the sales cycle.

Leverage Sales Skills and Best Practices

To succeed in your first 90 days in a sales role, you must focus on utilizing the right skills. Here are some key areas to focus on:

Effective Communication

Communication is key to building relationships with potential clients and closing deals. You need to be able to communicate effectively both verbally and in writing. Make sure to practice active listening, ask the right questions, and tailor your message to the needs of your audience.

In addition, it’s important to be able to communicate the value proposition of your product or service clearly and concisely. This will help you differentiate yourself from the competition and convince potential clients to choose your offering.

Time Management

Time management is critical in sales. You need to be able to prioritize your tasks, manage your schedule effectively, and make the most of your time.

One way to improve your time management skills is to use a calendar or planner to schedule your tasks and activities. This will help you stay organized and ensure that you’re making progress towards your goals.

It’s also important to minimize distractions and avoid multitasking, as this can lead to decreased productivity and poor performance. Another great approach is to use time blocking and set a timer for focused sessions of deep work several times per day.

In a sales role, this may mean that you focus on making a certain number of calls or emails during a 30-minute period. Then take a short break and do it again. If you focus on hitting your targets for these small blocks, they will add up to a productive day.


There’s a saying in sales: “ABC: Always be Closing”. While it’s critical to close deals, consider another interpretation:  Always be Curious

There are so many ways in which curiosity will serve you well as a new sales rep. Be curious about the company, its products and its customers. Once you start interacting with prospects, be curious about their business and the problems that they’re facing. Talk to current customers and show curiosity about how they’re using the product today, and where they find value. 

You don’t always know where this will lead you, but if you remember to be curious you will be in a great position to excel in your first 90 days.

Plan to Exceed Your Ramp Quota

In any good sales org, the company wants the reps to be successful. But sales reps usually can’t hit the ground running on day one. They need time to learn the product, build a pipeline, and get deals to close. So most sales organizations put their reps on a reduced ramp quota for the first 3–6 months. This is a great opportunity for you to learn and earn, and you should do whatever it takes to exceed these targets.

Setting Personal Goals

One way to exceed your ramp quota is to set personal goals that are higher than your ramp quota. This will motivate you to work harder and smarter, and help you achieve more than you thought possible. Make sure your personal goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

For example, you could set a personal goal of closing 3 deals in your first 90 days, or of hitting an average deal size that is on the high end of what you know is the range for your team.

Market Analysis

Another way to exceed your ramp quota is to do a thorough market analysis. This will help you understand your target market (especially your Ideal Customer Profile), your competitors, and your unique selling proposition (USP).

Start by researching your target market, including their pain points, needs, and preferences. Then, research your competitors, including their strengths, weaknesses, and pricing. Finally, identify your USP, which should be a compelling reason why your prospects should choose you over your competitors.

Set Activity Targets

To be successful in a new sales role, you need to have a clear understanding of your activity targets. This includes the number of calls, emails, and meetings you need to have each day or week to meet your sales goals. Talk to your manager and make sure you understand what their expectations are. And if possible, try to exceed them.

Setting activity targets will help you stay focused and motivated. It will also help you identify areas where you need to improve. For example, if you find that you’re struggling to make enough calls, you may need to work on your time management skills.

Building Relationships

Internal Networking

Getting to know your colleagues and building relationships with them is important for your success in a new sales role. You can start by introducing yourself to your team and asking them questions about their roles, responsibilities, and experiences. This will help you understand how your role fits into the bigger picture and how you can collaborate with your colleagues to achieve common goals.

Related Article – How to Find a Sales Mentor

Another effective way to build relationships internally is to attend company events and participate in team-building activities. This will give you the opportunity to interact with your colleagues in a more relaxed setting and get to know them on a personal level.

Client Engagement Strategies

Engaging with clients is a critical part of any sales role. Here are some strategies that you can use to build relationships with your clients:

  • Active Listening: Listen actively to your clients to understand their needs and concerns. This will help you build trust and credibility with them.
  • Regular Communication: Regularly communicate with your clients to keep them updated on your progress and to address any issues or concerns that they may have. This will help you build a strong relationship with them over time.
  • Personalization: Personalize your communication with your clients by using their name and addressing their specific needs and concerns. This will show them that you care about them as individuals and are committed to helping them achieve their goals.
  • Value-Added Services: Offer value-added services to your clients that go beyond the scope of your product or service. This will help you build a long-term relationship with them and increase their loyalty to your brand.

By following these strategies, you can build strong relationships both internally and externally, which will help you succeed in your new sales role.

Review and Adapt

After you have a successful first 90 days, then what? Once you have gained some experience, it is important to review your performance and adapt your approach to ensure continued success.

Performance Metrics

One of the most important things to review during your first 90 days is your performance metrics. Take a look at the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of your role and compare them to your actual performance. Identify areas where you exceeded expectations and areas where you fell short. Use this information to adjust your approach and set new goals for the next 90 days.

Consider creating a table to track your progress and keep yourself accountable. List your goals on the left-hand side and your actual performance on the right-hand side. Use bold or italic formatting to highlight areas of particular success or areas that need improvement.

Seeking Feedback

Another key area to focus on during this time is seeking feedback. Don’t be afraid to ask your manager or colleagues for feedback on your performance. This can help you identify blind spots and areas for improvement that you may not have noticed on your own.

Consider setting up regular check-ins with your manager to discuss your progress and receive feedback. Use this time to ask specific questions about areas where you would like to improve. Take notes during these meetings and refer back to them regularly to track your progress.

In addition to seeking feedback from your manager, consider reaching out to your colleagues for feedback as well. This can help you gain a broader perspective on your performance and identify areas where you can improve your collaboration and teamwork skills.

Overall, reviewing your performance metrics and seeking feedback are critical steps to take during your first 90 days in a new sales role. Use this information to adapt your approach and set yourself up for continued success in the months ahead.

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