Why Sales and Marketing Don’t Get Along: Company Leadership to Blame
Why Sales and Marketing Don’t Get Along: Company Leadership to Blame

Sales and marketing don’t always see eye-to-eye. Salespeople complain that marketing isn’t generating enough leads. Markete...

By RepVue Team
Jul 25, 2024
Exploring Sales Team Dynamics
Exploring Sales Team Dynamics

Ryan Walsh, CEO and founder of RepVue, recently joined Sam Jacobs, AJ Bruno, and Asad Zaman on the TopLine podcast to discuss sales tea...

By RepVue Team
Jul 16, 2024
5 Underrated Sales Skills
5 Underrated Sales Skills

Sales isn’t just about hitting targets and closing deals. It’s about understanding people, adapting to situations, and thinking creativ...

By RepVue Team
Jun 21, 2024
“I Hate My Sales Job”: If You’re Miserable as a Salesperson, Should You Quit Sales — or Just Quit a Bad Sales Job?
“I Hate My Sales Job”: If You’re Miserable as a Salesperson, Should You Quit Sales — or Just Quit a Bad Sales Job?

Sales can be incredibly challenging. It’s a high-pressure field. You’re going to be told “no” a lot. You’re going to get hung up on. Yo...

By Ryan Walsh, CEO
Mar 29, 2024
How Motivating is President’s Club in Tech Sales? 
How Motivating is President’s Club in Tech Sales? 

President’s Club. Winner’s Circle. Peak Performers or a range of other names. Whatever you call it at your company, it’s a ...

By RepVue Team
Mar 22, 2024
Working with Account Executives as an SDR: Best Practices and Tips
Working with Account Executives as an SDR: Best Practices and Tips

If you’re a Sales Development Representative (SDR), you know that your role is crucial to the success of your company’s sal...

By RepVue Team
Mar 18, 2024
Navigating Sales and Culture at Supermetrics: A Conversation with Harrison West, Sales Manager for New Business
Navigating Sales and Culture at Supermetrics: A Conversation with Harrison West, Sales Manager for New Business

Harrison West, the Sales Manager for New Business at Supermetrics, joined us to discuss his career journey and insights on selling at S...

By RepVue Team
Mar 15, 2024
Building Your Personal Brand in Sales: Tips and Strategies
Building Your Personal Brand in Sales: Tips and Strategies

Building a personal brand in sales can be really useful in today’s competitive market. A strong personal brand can help you stand...

By RepVue Team
Mar 11, 2024
Rejection in Sales: How to Handle and Overcome It
Rejection in Sales: How to Handle and Overcome It

Rejection is an inevitable part of every sales job. No matter how good you are at selling, not every prospect will be interested in you...

By Ryan Walsh, CEO
Feb 28, 2024
ABC: Always be Curious — Why Curiosity is Essential for Successful Selling
ABC: Always be Curious — Why Curiosity is Essential for Successful Selling

ABC is a classic sales mantra. It’s a favorite of Alec Baldwin’s character in the 1992 film Glengarry Glen Ross:  AlwaysBe Closing...

By Ryan Walsh, CEO
Dec 29, 2023
39 of the Best Sales Books to Elevate Your Sales Game
39 of the Best Sales Books to Elevate Your Sales Game

Becoming a successful sales professional involves more than just charm and charisma. It requires a deep understanding of human interact...

By RepVue Team
Dec 21, 2023
How Important is Sales Culture?
How Important is Sales Culture?

As a salesperson considering your next career move, it’s crucial to look beyond just the product or service you’ll be selli...

By Ryan Walsh, CEO
Dec 6, 2023
What to Do If You’re Put on a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) 
What to Do If You’re Put on a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) 

You can feel it coming, or maybe it already happened — getting put on a performance improvement plan. Don’t panic, and don’t do anythin...

By Ryan Walsh, CEO
Nov 22, 2023
10 Things to Consider About Being the First Sales Hire at a Start-up
10 Things to Consider About Being the First Sales Hire at a Start-up

Many sales pros want to be the first seller at a promising start-up. (Admittedly, it’s pretty cool.) But they often have no clue what t...

By Ryan Walsh, CEO
Aug 30, 2023
5 Reasons to Choose Tech Sales as a Career
5 Reasons to Choose Tech Sales as a Career

Are you thinking about a career in the sales industry, but not sure where to start? You should consider tech sales as an option! You mi...

By Ryan Walsh, CEO
Apr 6, 2023
What the sales industry will look like in 2033
What the sales industry will look like in 2033

What will the sales industry look like in future? Will it not look any different in 10 years or will it be something we don’t even reco...

By RepVue Team
Nov 15, 2022
The Best Ways to be Successful as a Sales Professional
The Best Ways to be Successful as a Sales Professional

Introduction If you want to be a successful sales person, it’s important to remember that no two days are ever the same in this f...

By Ryan Walsh, CEO
Sep 1, 2022
Should you consider tech sales as a career?
Should you consider tech sales as a career?

I’ve been working in tech sales for almost 10 years. I’ve seen an incredible amount of change over that time, but one thing...

By Ryan Walsh, CEO
Jul 27, 2022
Why do people choose sales as a profession?
Why do people choose sales as a profession?

Why choose sales? This might be a hard question to answer for some. The laymen might think to themselves the following…

By Ryan Walsh, CEO
Jun 30, 2022
10 Famous Sales Quotes
10 Famous Sales Quotes

What are some of the most famous sales quotes that can help you get that extra bit of motivation or knowledge you need to make that ste...

By RepVue Team
Jun 23, 2022
Your Sales Job on the High Growth Rocketship
Your Sales Job on the High Growth Rocketship

It’s easy to get swayed by the ‘rocketship’ trap, where you see a job opportunity at a fast growing, highly publicized (typically tech)...

By Ryan Walsh, CEO
Mar 8, 2021
Restricted Stock Units vs Incentive Stock Options
Restricted Stock Units vs Incentive Stock Options

A common form of equity in early stage companies are incentive stock options (ISOs). The term ‘option’ is important because you are bei...

By Ryan Walsh, CEO
Feb 15, 2021
The Dreaded Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)
The Dreaded Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)

Managers typically know that when they present a PIP, the reps are going to react in one of two ways; either check out and go into full...

By Ryan Walsh, CEO
Jan 6, 2021
Personal Brand for B2B Salespeople: Hunting for Jobs or Deals?
Personal Brand for B2B Salespeople: Hunting for Jobs or Deals?

Most B2B sales reps still put “quota crusher” on their LinkedIn thinking it’s a place to brag. Here’s what to do instead.

By Ryan Walsh, CEO
May 13, 2020
Five Ways a Sales Leader Can Drive Great Culture
Five Ways a Sales Leader Can Drive Great Culture

Company and sales organization culture is very important to sales professionals. In fact, it’s the most important factor in a sales pro...

By Ryan Walsh, CEO
Jul 24, 2019
Interrupting Prospects During Sales Calls: An Epidemic
Interrupting Prospects During Sales Calls: An Epidemic

When a prospect is speaking, many times they are in the process of asking a question, or frequently, several related questions. If you ...

By Ryan Walsh, CEO
Apr 11, 2019