
Follow-Up Sales Email: Tips and Examples for Boosting Your Conversion Rates

RepVue Team
RepVue TeamDec 15, 2023

Follow-up sales emails are an essential part of any sales strategy. They help to establish the relationship between the seller and the buyer, and can ultimately lead to increased sales. The purpose of a follow-up sales email is to remind the buyer of the product or service that was offered, and to encourage them to take action.

Crafting an effective follow-up sales email is crucial to the success of any sales strategy. The email should be personalized, engaging, and provide value to the buyer. It should also include a clear call to action, and be sent at the right time.

Understanding the Importance of Follow-Up Sales Emails

Follow-up emails are crucial to closing deals and maintaining strong relationships with clients. These emails serve as a reminder to the customer about the product or service that was discussed and can be an effective way to address any concerns or questions that may have arisen since the initial contact.

One of the key benefits of follow-up sales emails is that they keep the conversation going. Even if the customer is not ready to make a purchase immediately, the email can serve as a gentle nudge to keep them interested and engaged. This can be especially important in industries where the sales cycle is longer or where the product or service is more complex.

Another benefit of follow-up emails is that they provide an opportunity to showcase the value of the product or service. By highlighting key features or benefits, the email can help the customer see how the product or service can meet their specific needs. This can be especially important for customers who may be on the fence or who are considering other options.

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Finally, follow-up sales emails can help build trust and credibility with the customer. By showing a genuine interest in their needs and concerns, the salesperson can demonstrate that they are focused on providing value and building a long-term relationship. This can be especially important for customers who may be hesitant to make a purchase or who are looking for a trusted advisor to guide them through the decision-making process.  

In addition, the follow-up email is an opportunity for the salesperson to build trust by following through on their commitments. If you discuss follow ups in the initial meeting — things like sending your presentation, an ROI analysis, or references — make sure that you do what you said you’d do.  Doing so will create a positive impression with the buyer.

By keeping the conversation going, showcasing the value of the product or service, and building trust and credibility, these emails can be a powerful way to drive sales and grow your business.

Crafting an Effective Follow-Up Sales Email

Crafting the perfect message can be a challenge. However, with the right subject line, email body, and call to action, you can increase your chances of converting a lead into a sale. Here are some tips for crafting an effective follow-up sales email.

Subject Line

The subject line is the first thing a recipient sees when they receive your email, so it’s important to make it attention-grabbing. A good subject line should be concise, yet descriptive enough to give the recipient an idea of what the email is about. Consider using personalization, such as the recipient’s name or company name, to make the email feel more personalized.

Example Sales Follow-up Email Subject Lines

    • Let’s Catch Up on Your [Product/Service] Journey
    • Your [Product/Service] Potential: Let’s Talk Progress and Possibilities
    • Take the Lead: [Your Name] Follow-Up on Your [Product/Service] Interest

Email Body

The body of the email should be engaging and informative. Start by reminding the recipient of your previous conversation or interaction, and then provide additional information about your product or service. Use bullet points or numbered lists to break up the text and make it easier to read.

It’s also important to tailor the email to the recipient’s needs and interests. Show that you understand their pain points and offer a solution that addresses those specific needs. Be sure to include any relevant links or attachments that can provide more information about your product or service.

Example Sales Follow-up Email Body

Hi [Prospect Name],

I wanted to follow up on our recent conversation about [specific goal or pain point discussed]. I’m excited about the potential for [prospect’s company] to achieve even greater success.

In our discussion, you mentioned [specific interest or concern]. I wanted to share some additional insights that might be helpful for you. [Briefly touch on a solution or feature that addresses their specific need.]

One aspect that sets [Your Company] apart is our commitment to personalized solutions. We understand that every business is unique, and we take pride in tailoring our offerings to meet the distinct needs of our clients.

To give you a better sense of how [Your Company] can contribute to [prospect’s company] success, I’ve attached a case study featuring a similar client who achieved remarkable results, particularly in [highlight a specific achievement or outcome].

Call to Action

The call to action (CTA) is the most important part of the email. It’s what prompts the recipient to take action, whether that’s scheduling a call, signing up for a demo, or making a purchase. Make sure your CTA is clear and concise, and use action-oriented language to encourage the recipient to take action.

Consider offering an incentive, such as a discount or free trial, to entice the recipient to take action. And don’t forget to include your contact information so the recipient can easily get in touch with you if they have any questions or concerns.

Example Sales Follow-up Email Call to Action

I believe that with our collaborative approach and industry expertise, we can help [prospect’s company] reach new heights. Would you be available for a brief call next week to discuss how we can customize our solutions to align with your specific objectives?

Looking forward to the opportunity to further explore how [Your Company] can support [prospect’s company] on its journey to [specific goal].

Follow-up Sales Email Template That Converts

RepVue user Brian LaManna recently shared an example follow-up email that helped him convert a stalled opportunity into a three-year deal:

“Hi [first name],

Quick update to keep you in the loop on the conversations I’ve been having with [people you’ve met with].

Summary below:
– [Strategic summary]
– [Key findings]
– [Next steps]

I know you’re incredibly busy so hopefully this is helpful. If any of it resonates with you, we can set time to discuss.

Otherwise, I’ll continue with emails like this to keep you up to date.”

According to LaManna, the CEO responded and kicked off a pilot the next day. Two weeks later, the business was won.

By following these tips, you can create a follow-up sales email that is engaging, informative, and effective at converting leads into sales. 

Timing Your Follow-Up Sales Email

Sending the right message at the right time can make all the difference in closing a sale. Here are some tips on timing your follow-up sales email.

Initial Follow-Up

The initial follow-up email should be sent 24–48 hours after the initial contact with the potential customer. This gives them enough time to review your product or service and consider their options, while also keeping your business fresh in their mind.

In the initial follow-up email, it’s important to remind the potential customer of your product or service and highlight the benefits it can offer them. Keep the email short and to the point, and include a clear call to action that encourages them to take the next step.

Subsequent Follow-Ups

If you don’t receive a response to your initial follow-up email, it’s important to follow up again. However, it’s important not to be too pushy or aggressive in your approach. Sending too many follow-up emails can come across as spammy and turn potential customers away.

A good rule of thumb is to send a follow-up email every 3–5 days, stopping after you’ve sent two or three. In each email, you can offer additional information about your product or service, address any concerns or questions they may have, and provide a clear call to action.

Remember, timing is key when it comes to follow-up sales emails. By sending the right message at the right time, you can increase your chances of closing the sale and building a long-term relationship with your customers.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Follow-Up Sales Emails

When it comes to follow-up sales emails, there are certain mistakes that can be detrimental to the success of the email campaign. Here are a few common mistakes to avoid:

Too Many Follow-Ups

Sending too many follow-up emails can be overwhelming for the recipient and may even lead to them marking the emails as spam. It’s important to find a balance between following up enough to ensure the recipient has seen the email, and not overdoing it to the point of annoyance.

Lack of Personalization

A lack of personalization in follow-up sales emails can make the recipient feel like they are just another name on a list. It’s important to address the recipient by name and tailor the content of the email to their specific needs and interests. This can increase the chances of the recipient engaging with the email and potentially making a purchase.

Ignoring Customer Feedback

Ignoring customer feedback can be a huge mistake when it comes to follow-up sales emails. If a customer has provided feedback or expressed concerns in a previous email, it’s important to address those concerns in the follow-up email. This shows the prospect that their feedback is valued and can lead to better relationships.

Analyzing the Success of Your Follow-Up Sales Emails

After sending out follow-up sales emails, it’s essential to track their success rates to determine whether they’re working or not. By analyzing the success of your follow-up sales emails, you can identify areas that need improvement and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Open Rates

The open rate of your follow-up sales emails is the percentage of recipients who opened your email. It’s a crucial metric to track because if your email isn’t being opened, then it’s not reaching your potential customers. To increase your open rates, consider the following:

  • Use a clear and concise subject line that accurately reflects the content of the email.
  • Personalize the email by using the recipient’s name in the subject line and the opening sentence.
  • Send the email at a time when the recipient is most likely to check their inbox.

Response Rates

The response rate of your follow-up sales emails is the percentage of recipients who responded to your email. A high response rate indicates that your email was engaging and persuasive. To increase your response rates, consider the following:

  • Keep the email short and to the point.
  • Provide value to the recipient by highlighting the benefits of your product or service.
  • Include a clear call-to-action that prompts the recipient to take action.

Conversion Rates

The conversion rate of your follow-up sales emails is the percentage of recipients who took the desired action, such as making a purchase or scheduling a meeting. A high conversion rate indicates that your email was effective in persuading the recipient to take action. To increase your conversion rates, consider the following:

  • Make the desired action clear and easy to take.
  • Provide a sense of urgency by offering a limited-time promotion or discount.
  • Address any objections the recipient may have by providing additional information or testimonials.

By analyzing the success of your follow-up sales emails, you can improve your sales strategy and increase your chances of converting prospects into customers.

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