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Healthcare and HospitalsHealthcare and Hospitals
Quota Attainment 22%

Papa is a new kind of care, built on human connection. Across the country, health plans and employers look to Papa to...

Rank Pending
Medically Home

Medically Home

Medically Home

Healthcare and HospitalsHealthcare and Hospitals
Quota Attainment 5%

Medically Home's hospital-at-home program enables health systems to safely admit patients to their own homes rather than the...

Rank Pending



Healthcare and HospitalsHealthcare and Hospitals
Quota Attainment 5%

Navina was born with the vision to create a new world where the time-consuming chaos of patient data is replaced by a...

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Healthcare and HospitalsHealthcare and Hospitals
Quota Attainment 51%

At cbdMD, we combine premium quality and innovation to offer the purest CBD available on the market. We test our...

Rank Pending
Cadence Solutions

Cadence Solutions

Cadence Solutions

Healthcare and HospitalsHealthcare and Hospitals
Quota Attainment 5%

Cadence is a health technology company helping the nation’s most patient-centric health systems deliver more consistent,...

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Carbon Health

Carbon Health

Carbon Health

Healthcare and HospitalsHealthcare and Hospitals
Quota Attainment 30%

Carbon Health is a health technology company and modern healthcare provider that simplifies access to care through its EHR...

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Healthcare and HospitalsHealthcare and Hospitals
Quota Attainment 3%

At TRIARQ Health, we believe physician-led, patient-centered healthcare is the cornerstone of a cost-effective,...

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Health Carousel

Health Carousel

Health Carousel

Healthcare and HospitalsHealthcare and Hospitals
Quota Attainment 33%

Health Carousel was founded in Cincinnati, OH in 2004 with a vision to build a company that could ensure that US patients...

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