
COVID-19 Update: Message to RepVue Users

Ryan Walsh, CEO
Ryan Walsh, CEOMar 18, 2020

This message was originally sent to RepVue users on March 17th, 2020.

The coronavirus has thrown us into an unprecedented time in our lives and careers.

I spend hours each day engaged with sales professionals, and it’s clear this has had a profound impact on everyone. I wanted to share a couple recommendations and messages for you, the extended RepVue team.

First, prioritize yourself, your health, and your family. Social distancing is critical. Here’s a highly illustrative article that shows the impact of social distancing in clear and simple terms (Washington Post article).

Focus on what you can control. There’s a long list of things that you won’t be able to control over the next few months from a career perspective. Try to separate what you can and can’t control and focus on what you can (continuing education, checking in on customers, networking, etc). Try to drive some normalcy in terms of your schedule and surroundings from a WFH perspective.

In terms of your pipeline, stay engaged but don’t push – just check in and see how they are doing and offer support. They are going through the same turmoil and may be in a more dire situation than you. Show empathy. If you feel like you are being pressured by leadership to push deals right now, I have a list of sales organizations that are likely a better fit for you long term.

Lastly, thank you to those of you who have reached out to me personally see how RepVue is managing this. In short, it’s a challenge, but we’re committed to building this for all of you. We’ll have a blog post up tomorrow outlining some of the platform stuff we’re working on.

Stay safe out there and reach out any time!

– Ryan Walsh, CEO of RepVue

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