
Is it difficult for a sales organization to improve their RepVue scores?

Ryan Walsh, CEO
Ryan Walsh, CEOAug 25, 2022


“How can we improve our RepVue scores?” 

I’m often asked this question from talent acquisition, human resources, and sales leaders since they know that sales orgs with higher RepVue scores will have a much easier time attracting, acquiring, and retaining top sales talent.

Here are five ways that organizations can affect their RepVue scores

  1. Embrace transparency. RepVue provides organizations with insight into how they are doing in critical areas of their sales organization such as professional development & training, base compensation, incentive compensation, culture & leadership, product-market fit, inbound lead flow, and diversity & inclusion.  It’s a near real-time measure, or “Sales Org employee Net Promoter Score”, of the sentiment of employees across these areas.
  1. Get an accurate RepVue score. Before you can improve your RepVue score, you first need to ensure that you have an accurate RepVue score, which means you need your team to submit their ratings. Ideally, 80% of your sales organization has left or will leave a current rating on your org’s RepVue page. That is, an honest rating on where they feel your organization is strong and where there is room for improvement. To keep this number at 80%, it’s critical to have an ongoing approach to driving fresh ratings from your sales team members. 
  1. Review your RepVue scores, listen, and take action.  This is so important! For the people in the back, LISTEN AND TAKE ACTION on the feedback that your team is giving you on where the organization can improve.  What are my RepVue scores telling me?  Employees want to know that they are being heard and have a voice in making the organization better.  This can lead to higher RepVue scores, but also to a higher employee retention rate as well as improved performance. This is why we’ve given our customers a much more detailed and granular view to see what makes up their scores – so they can deeply understand where they need to improve their employee experience.

We often hear that RepVue scores help leaders by providing data to back up their intuition.  Or sometimes the data may help to support strategies that weren’t previously considered.  Does your team rate your sales org high in compensation but low in inbound lead flow and training?  Maybe an investment in those areas would pay a greater dividend than hiring five new sales reps next quarter.

  1. Continually re-assess and monitor the trends. Encourage the sales team to leave a new rating for the organization at least once a quarter at a minimum. This will allow for updated data and enable you to monitor the impact of improvements that the organization has made. You can schedule a reminder on the team calendar, or even schedule an email or slack message to go out to the team with a link to add a rating on RepVue.  And don’t forget to remind your team to leave a RepVue rating at your annual or quarterly kickoff meetings!
  1. Rinse & Repeat. Observe how your score is changing after you have completed the steps above. Don’t take your eyes off of the feedback that your team is providing you. 


RepVue is a window into the perception your sales team has of your sales organization.  If you feel like your RepVue score isn’t as high as it should be, this probably means that there’s an opportunity to improve in the specific areas that have low scores.  Allowing your sales team to feel trusted, empowered, and appreciated by keeping a close eye on current opportunities for growth and executing on a plan to improve weaker scores.

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