
Sales Buying Roles: Decision-Makers

RepVue Team
RepVue TeamDec 21, 2023

One of the most important aspects of this sales process is identifying who is the ultimate decision-maker. The decision-maker is the person who has the authority to make the final decision on whether or not to purchase your product or service.

Identifying decision-makers can be difficult, especially in enterprise B2B sales where there are often multiple decision-makers involved in the process. Knowing how to identify the decision-maker among all the different buying roles  is essential to success in sales. Here, we will take a closer look at the role of the decision-maker, provide you with tips on how to identify them, and offer tips on how to communicate and close deals with this important buying role.

The Role of a Decision-Maker

As suggested by the name, the decision-maker is the person (or small group of people) with the final say in whether or not to purchase your product or service. They are typically C-suite executives, VP’s, or high-level managers who have the authority to allocate budget and make strategic decisions for the company. Your champion will be your best resource for specifically identifying the decision-maker or decision-makers within the organization you hope to sell to.

When selling to a decision-maker, it’s important to understand their priorities and concerns. They are often focused on the big picture and the long-term impact of a purchase, rather than the day-to-day details. They may also have specific criteria that they are looking for in a solution, such as ROI, scalability, or ease of implementation.

To appeal to a decision-maker, you need to demonstrate the value that your product or service can bring to their organization. This may involve highlighting the financial benefits, such as cost savings or revenue growth, or emphasizing the strategic advantages, such as competitive differentiation or market expansion.

Influencers vs. Decision-Makers

While the decision-maker has the final say, they are not always the only person involved in the buying process. There may be other stakeholders who have a say in the decision, such as influencers or gatekeepers.

Influencers are people who have a significant impact on the decision-maker’s opinion or decision. They may be subject-matter experts, end users, or other stakeholders who have a vested interest in the outcome of the purchase. Influencers can provide valuable insights and perspectives that can help you tailor your approach and messaging to better resonate with the decision-maker.

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Engaging with the Decision-Maker

Engaging with the decision-maker can be challenging, especially if they are difficult to reach or have a gatekeeper screening their calls. Here are a few ways to get the initial introduction with decision-makers — then to make the most of it once you do. 

Initial Engagement Strategies

One effective strategy is to leverage your network to make a warm introduction to the decision-maker. If you have a mutual connection with the decision-maker, ask for an introduction or referral. This can help you establish trust and credibility from the outset.

Another strategy is to engage with the decision-maker on social media. Follow them on platforms like LinkedIn or Twitter and engage with their posts and updates. This can help you build a relationship with them and keep your company top of mind.

Qualifying Questions

Once you have identified the decision-maker, it’s important to ask the right qualifying questions to understand their needs and pain points. This will help you tailor your pitch and position your product or service as a solution to their specific challenges.

Some effective qualifying questions include:

  • What are your current pain points or challenges?
  • What are your goals and objectives for the coming year?
  • What criteria are you using to evaluate potential solutions?
  • What is your budget for this project?

By asking these types of questions, you can gain a deeper understanding of the decision-maker’s needs and position your product or service as the best solution.

Influencing the Decision-Maker

Decision-makers hold the power to say “yes” or “no” to your offer, so it’s essential to influence them effectively.

Effective Communication Techniques

To influence the decision-maker, you must be able to communicate effectively. Here are some techniques you can use to improve your communication skills:

  • Active Listening: When you actively listen to the decision-maker, you show that you value their opinion. You can do this by asking open-ended questions and repeating back what they say to ensure that you understand their needs and concerns.
  • Clear and Concise Messaging: When you communicate with the decision-maker, make sure your message is clear and concise. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that they may not understand. Use simple language and focus on the benefits that your product or service can provide.
  • Emotional Connection: People make decisions based on emotions, so it’s important to connect with the decision-maker on an emotional level. You can do this by sharing stories or examples of how your product or service has helped other customers.

Building Trust and Credibility

Building trust and credibility is essential when it comes to influencing the decision-maker. Here are some techniques you can use to build trust and credibility:

  • Demonstrate Expertise: The decision-maker wants to know that you are an expert in your field. You can demonstrate your expertise by sharing industry knowledge or providing case studies that show how your product or service has helped other customers.
  • Provide Social Proof: Social proof is a powerful tool that can help you build trust and credibility. You can provide social proof by sharing customer testimonials or reviews, or by showcasing awards or recognition your company has received.
  • Be Authentic and Transparent: The decision-maker wants to work with someone they can trust. Be authentic and transparent in your communication, and avoid making exaggerated or false claims. If you don’t know the answer to a question, be honest and say so. Your honesty will help build trust and credibility.

By using these techniques, you can effectively influence the decision-maker and increase your chances of closing the deal.

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Closing the Deal with the Decision-Maker

Closing the deal with the decision-maker is the ultimate goal of the sales process. Ideally you’ll be able to do this directly, but sometimes you’ll have no choice but to do so indirectly through your champion or other influencers. 

In order to be successful, you’ll have established the positive return on investment (ROI) for your solution, and also clearly shown why choosing your solution is better than the alternatives. Those alternatives may include competitive solutions. But most often the alternative is doing nothing — so make sure that you’ve reached an understanding with all stakeholders on the cost of inaction.

Another critical factor is building rapport with the decision-maker. The decision-maker is not just looking for a product or service, but also a trustworthy and reliable partner. Building a relationship with them can go a long way in securing the deal.

To close the deal with the decision-maker — either directly or indirectly — you need to understand their role and behavior, focus on the value proposition of your offering, and build rapport with them. By doing so, you can increase your chances of success and build a long-term relationship with a valuable customer.

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