
Redgate Software Uses RepVue Data to Retain Top Sales Talent

RepVue Team
RepVue TeamMar 22, 2024

Retaining top talent is a challenge for any company — especially for sales roles. But Redgate Software leverages RepVue data to continually improve their culture and compensation. 

Redgate Software specializes in providing a comprehensive suite of database management solutions, including tools for monitoring, security, and operations, primarily on a Microsoft platform. They have a portfolio of more than 20 products, including SQL Monitor, Flyway, and SQL Toolbelt Essentials. 

“As an industry leader in database solutions for almost 25 years, our portfolio provides solutions that solve the complex challenges of database management across the DevOps lifecycle on any platform, anywhere.” says Kendra Duprèe, Global Talent Acquisition and Employer Brand partner at RedGate Software. 

And not only can they say they’re the leaders: they have the numbers to back it up. Redgate Software serves 91% of companies in the Fortune 100, and 800,000 users worldwide.

To grow to that scale required top sales talent. And they’ve done it by making Redgate Software a truly great place to work.

Proving to Potential Hires that Redgate Software Cares about Culture

At the heart of Redgate is a commitment to being a values-led company. Their values help them focus on what really matters: their people and their experience. Redgate wants to cultivate a culture where people in all roles feel supported.

According to Duprèe, they’re not a company that glorifies a cut-throat culture — in fact, she jokes they’re “allergic to egos.” And one of their core values is as straightforward as it gets: “Don’t be an asshole.” That’s always a hit with potential hires.

But every sales organization is going to tell candidates how great their culture is — even if it really isn’t. So, how do you prove it? Duprèe uses RepVue.

“We’re absolutely hooked on RepVue! With over a decade in the employer branding game, I can confidently say this platform delivers the most authentic data I’ve ever seen,” says Duprèe. “RepVue has cultivated a trustworthy brand that empowers employees to share honest feedback about their employers. It’s revolutionized our talent attraction efforts and provided invaluable insights into areas for internal growth. This tool is a total game changer for us.”

Redgate Software’s RepVue Scores (as of March 2024)

Using RepVue Data to Retain Top Talent

Redgate Software values its salespeople not just for their ability to drive growth but for their role as brand ambassadors who represent the company’s integrity and character.

“Our sales reps are not only incredibly talented professionals but also exceptional human beings who embody the essence of Redgate,” says Duprèe. “The positive feedback from our users speaks volumes about our reps’ dedication and the values they represent. It’s clear evidence of how we attract, hire, and lead based on our principles. Upholding these values isn’t up for debate; it’s non-negotiable for us.” 

Building relationships like that takes time. However, sales is a highly competitive space, and attrition rates in sales are higher than other roles, with reps switching companies for higher compensation or better cultures. Average sales rep tenure is 18–24 months, but Redgate’s sellers typically stay 3–5 years. Several sellers have been with the company longer than 7 years, and the CRO — Redgate’s fifth sales hire — has 17 years experience with the company! 

Redgate Software relies on data from RepVue to ensure the company remains a leader not just in database management solutions, but in creating a supportive and rewarding work environment for their sellers.

Redgate Software’s Employer Health Dashboard in RepVue (as of 22 March 2024)

The data from RepVue has augmented internal surveys where employees may worry about anonymity. And even better, Redgate Software takes action on the trends they see in RepVue data.

“It’s like striking gold — authentic and anonymous feedback,” says Duprèe. “That’s what I love most about RepVue. The data is impeccably clear, allowing us to pinpoint exactly what makes people happy and what doesn’t, enabling us to address any issues promptly.”

You can see that reflected in Redgate Software’s current Culture & Leadership score — they’re currently in the 92 percentile — and in the top-20% of all sales organizations on RepVue.

Check Out RedGate Software on RepVue

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