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Imagine Learning

Imagine Learning

15 Employee Ratings
15 Ratings
73% Verified
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Imagine Learning
Imagine Learning
15 Employee Ratings
73% Verified
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Former Employee
Jun 21, 2023
I was with IL for 5 years. It has been 3 years since I was there. The ESOL product was the primary product at the time. We had a strong sales force who made quotas and provided exceptional growth. By the third year the company was having great difficulty managing the growth in providing excellent customer service in onboarding, training and high value implementations. Additionally, federal requirements became more focused on areas that the product needed product major enhancements. They were caught off guard by these major funding source requirements. When I left, IL was not making significant changes in product, multiple changes in leadership, and sadly a tremendous loss of morale and overall culture. I am pulling for this company to return to what made them great.
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