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230 Employee Ratings
230 Ratings
87% Verified
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230 Employee Ratings
87% Verified
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Current Employee
Oct 26, 2023
"Expectations are clear and there is a culture of transparency. Winning is celebrated and company leadership fully supports sales." - this quote from the Repvue rating questions is counterintuitive. Fully supporting sales most often means zero transparency, and no focus on delivering societal use value, BUT: There is zero transparency. The ELT thinks that supporting sales means giving them a chance to go on an all inclusive trip once a year if they sell a given amount (be it quota or quota and some more). The ELT truly despises the service, development and support organisations and slaughter every product they acquire. The only thing left is a sales team running around like a chicken without a head trying to sell brand new cars and discounting them as second hand. If they just fired the ELT (all of them) and replaced the ELT with more morally aligned team leaders all sales people would meet their quota and all teams could take part of the events and comps budgets a little bit as well. We're selling products that are better than ANYTHING on the market... but our useless ELT makes it look like we're a dollarstore with Louis Viton pricing schemes.
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